Jimmy McAleavey - Writer
Television, Film and Radio
Wigs on the Green (RTE); Adharca Fada (Ulysses Films); Moonman (R4); Baldi (R4);
Ghostbuster Diaries (R4); The Ballad of Shane O’Neill (BBC Radio 4) shortlisted Tinniswood Award;
Heroes BBC Northern Lights short film award; Crossing RTE/Galway Film Centre Short Film Award;
Saoirse (film festivals across Ireland and Europe); Cemetery Sunday (Radio 4) winner of BBC First Bite Award;
Finalist in the inaugural BBC Tony Doyle Bursary for Irish writers
In development:
Samuel Beckett and the Giant (working title) (Northern Ireland Screen/ Obelisk Films)
Monsters, Dinosaurs, Ghosts (Abbey Theatre Dublin) Unhome (Tinderbox); The Inventors Fair (Kabosh);Titanic (Kabosh)The West Awakes (Kabosh)
The Sign of the Whale (Tinderbox) (winner of Stewart Parker Award)
The Virgin Father (Tinderbox)
Weirdwolf (Tinderbox)
In development:
Homo Hibernicus (Rough Magic, Dublin); O’Neill’s Airs (Lyric Theatre, Belfast); Salt (Abbey Theatre, Dublin)
Factual Television
The Visitors (Hot Shot Films); Blind Vision (BBC NI); Century Farm (Hot Shot Films/BBC); MotorMouth (Hot Shot/BBC NI);
You Thought You Knew: The Plantation (BBC); Front Line (Hot Shot/BBC NI); Street Detectives series one and two (BBC Northern Ireland);
The Seven Days That Shook United (Channel 4); Lines of Fire BBC NI/Hot Shot)